iPad or MacBook?

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  • #671805
    Charles Monroe

    I’m putting this out to the cyber universe. My wife and I may be moving to Cuenca within the next year. I am considering getting a new Ipad or a Mac Laptop to take with us. I’m hearing people and reading things on the internet about choosing one over the other for various and sundry reasons. Who has recommendations for me in this regard. Please do not respond other brand computers. We are solid Mac people. So what do you say Cyber Universe? Thanks to any Cuencans who have an opinion on this. Also, is it possible to get Mac products serviced in Cuenca? Thanks!! Charlie Monroe



    As a former IT professional, whether an iPad or laptop is best for you is more of a personal choice on what kind of tasks you need to carry out. The iPad is great for generally surfin the web, keeping in touch with email, Facetime, read books, and so on. But if you are going to be doing a lot of stuff with pictures or video, or need to sometimes write a lot or make more than simple spreadsheets, the laptop may be a better choice. Personally, my wife and I have one of each, and I have my 27″ iMAc, a token PC, and a linux box.

    I can’t speak for the Cuenca area, maybe one of our Experts in that area can chime in, but you should be able to find places to repair MAC products. However, keep in mind it will be much more expensive than in the US, especially if replacement parts are needed.


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