Living with Snakes and Crocodiles

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    Hi Jason and all others who may be able to help:

    My husband and I are very interested in Costa Rica from everything we’ve seen. But I am terrified of snakes and he of crocodiles. Are snakes everywhere you have lived in Central Valley and Tamarindo? Are they in the neighborhoods to where you have to be aware of them to go walking and enjoying your yard or are they only there if you go for hikes into the rainforest? And for crocs, will you only encounter them if you go into the swamps or by rivers in the tropical forests?

    When you have gone to other parts of the country on holiday have you encountered either or both other than when hiking and such?

    Are all areas where expats live inside the tropical forest or are there areas where you can settle where you won’t be near the snakes and crocs?

    We live in Arizona now and the snakes impact my life but at least I know where they might be and can still live my life without them impacting me continually. Thanks for all your imput.



    Hi Stephanie,

    As a tropical country Costa Rica has plenty of critters and creatures of all types. You can find snakes all over, though they are most prevalent in forests and jungle and other specific environments, especially in places where there are less people. But you definitely could have them in your yard, even in the Central Valley. It’s just something you watch for, although I’ve never had any problems with snakes near my home in any place I’ve lived. Mostly I’ve encountered snakes in nature hikes. There are several venomous snakes in Costa Rica, though medical personnel here are experienced with bites and you can generally get good treatment if you are bitten.

    In short, yes there are snakes, but it’s not like they’re all over the place all the time. So it doesn’t have a huge impact on your life. Just something you keep in mind.

    As for crocodiles, they tend to stick to rivers, swamps, and wetlands areas. But sometimes they do get out into the ocean if a river or estuary feeds into the sea. For example, in Tamarindo a croc did bite a surfer. But he’s doing okay. It’s very rare.

    Not all expats live in the tropical forest, there are plenty of other landscapes like the temperate and mountainous Central Valley, the Lake Arenal region, and the beach communities. If you live in a high-rise condo on the beach, for example, you won’t have to worry about snakes at all.


    Thanks for your response, Jason. I was hoping that there wouldnt be snakes by the beaches but then I read about snakes at a beach area south of tamarindo and near samara. And an estuary going through a hotel at the beach near samara. And the guanacaste area seems so dry that like Arizona I thought there might be snakes there. We really like the idea of overlooking open spaces like some of the photos I’ve seen from rentals in Grecia or San Ramon. So would you say that its likely in those areas that snakes would be present?

    Am I correct in believing that there would be snakes in the areas around Lake Arenal also?

    Thanks for your help (even though its kind of discouraging).



    Hi Stephanie,

    There are snakes in Grecia/San Ramon and Lake Arenal. But as I said, they aren’t prevalent. It’s not something that people here are in constant fear of or anything. I’ve only seen one snake in the whole time I lived in Grecia, though I have friends who live in more of an isolated area and they’ve seen several over the last year.

    Basically, they’re around but it’s not a big deal. I can certainly understand your concern. I have family members who are snake-phobic.

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