Medical Tourism

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    Hello, I am considering visiting Cuenca in February primarily for medical and dental checkups, but also to explore. I’ve seen medical tourism advertised, but they try to sell a package… airfare, hotel, appointments. I would prefer not being tied to someone else’s schedule and have checked airfares and hostals and hotels. I have seen dentists recommended, but not doctors. Would it be best to contact a hospital for a reference? Does anyone else have experience with this and could offer advice? Gracias! dave


    Dave, since you don’t indicate needing a specialist I’m going to start you off with my personal physician–Dr. Pablo Parra. He speaks excellent English and can direct you to other doctors you may require. His email is, but be advised (and surprised) that docs respond better to cell phone calls. So you can wait until you get here and reach him at 0996108523. You’ll most likely be able to see him the same day you call.

    Let me share with you my dentist’s contact info as well: Dr. Richard Rodriguez. Email Phone 072455483.

    Good luck–hope to see you in February.


    Thanks Ed! is it really that easy? I’m used to a month in advance for an appointment, and once tried to see a dentist in upstate New York and was told they could try to squeeze me in, in 3 months.
    I don’t have any conditions…. just looking for a general checkup, blood work for whatever, vaccinations, and probably a referral for a colonoscopy, and skin screening so maybe a dermatologist. My dental would be regular checkup, xrays, maybe patch a chipped tooth, maybe whitening, and checkup on crowns that i have. I’m semi-retired, (long term unemployed, having worked a variety of part-time jobs), so it will be 4 years since the last checkup, so I’m using this as a chance to get things done and further explore the idea of retiring there. I’m an IL subscriber, and get the GringoTree email, and have the recordings from the last Ecuador conference. It does sound good and from here it looks like it would be a good fit for me.
    Thanks again, and maybe see you all in February! Dave


    Dave, it’s pretty much that easy. And lab tests are usually turned around in a day. But maybe you should make an appointment for the first day you are there just in case you need any follow-up?


    Thanks Suzan… I’d like to get the medical stuff out of the way first…. then be free to explore. Here’s my email in case anyone wants to discuss anything and avoid tying up the blog. Right now it’s looking like flying from Las Vegas, NV to Quito, a few days there, then bus to Cuenca… medical & dental, then explore the city, the southern towns, and hopefully some of the southern coast. There’s a city real estate tour, and carnival in February too. I’ll manage to keep busy! Dave


    Sounds like a great trip, although if it were me, I’d opt to fly to Cuenca. I don’t mind the buses…but only for a few hours at a time. 🙂

    And be sure to keep your valuables in a bag on your lap.

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