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  • #509134

    Hi Jason,

    Do you know of some one like yourself that can help me with questions in Panama?  We are also considering Panama as a place to live and need guidance like you have been providing with me with Costa Rica?

    thank you for you help on this.


    Hi Lynn,

    You can reach my counterpart in Panama, Jessica Ramesch, directly at She’s happy to help.



    Thanks Jason.

    its great to have you and Jessica to help us with this adventure.   It’s so overwhelming.. At least it is for me.


    We checked out Panama last year.  A lot of what you hear is not true.  I think that Costa Rica is much cleaner.  The information says that up to 30% of the people speak English.  I do not know who they are as they do not work in grocery, drive taxi’s, work in drug store, wait tables, and having to go to the doctor without helpful people in the waiting room I would have been sunk.  Found one doctor that spoke a little English, I have a LITTLE Spanish and sign language were able to communicate.  The drivers are absolutely crazy and my husband would not drive so we had to get drivers every place we went which added to cost.  We rented a condo as planed to stay a while to try it out and needed to get groceries.  The prices were high and eating out was no cheaper than in the states.  We had been told that prices were like here in US in 60’s  this is a big lie.  The humidity is VERY high a lot of the time and in short we are planning a long trip to Costa Rica to check it out.  Now all of these things might not be a problem to you if you are aware of them but not when you are expecting something else.  The other thing is Do NOT go there if you are handicapped.   I notice this because at one time I had to use a wheelchair for a long time.  The only thing you could do is be taken to the mall and get around there but the sidewalks are tough and there are no ramps into restaurants , theaters, or actually anyplace at all.


    Hi Vada,

    Sorry to hear about your experience in Panama. Jessica Ramesch, IL’s Panama Editor, has invited you to get in touch with her about any concerns at: (Anybody is invited to get in touch with Jessica with Panama questions as well.


    Hi Jason,

    I tried to contact Jessica at and it brings up a warning about a possible phishing site. Is there another way to contact her?


    Just to confirm, you tried:

    I noticed you had switched an “n” with a “v” in the address you listed.


    Thanks, Jason.


    Hi Lynn,

    Let me know if you were able to get in touch with Jessica. If not, I can be of further assistance.



    Yes, I got an automated response from her. She’s out of the office til the 13th of October. I will try again after that. Thank you for your help.

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