Panama City Exploratory Trip – getting around

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    I will be traveling to Panama City by myself in another week to explore the possibility of living there next winter. I will be looking at the neighborhoods recommended by Panama insider. My questions are about getting around and eating on my own. I prefer to use taxis if they are safe. I have read that they will pick up more than one passenger and that that could be dangerous. I have also read contradictory things about whether to negotiate the price before or not. As an alternative, are the car services provided by hotels reliable? Are they outrageously expensive? Are buses a possible alternative to exploring San Francisco and Bella Vista? Does the new Metro go anywhere near these areas? On the question of eating out, is it socially acceptable in most restaurants for a woman to eat alone? Finally, I’m not sure what to do about a mobile phone for the week I am there. have an old-fashioned US – based Verizon flip phone, which I assume is not going to be useful.Is is it possible to get a local phone for a week?



    Taxis do often pick up more than one passenger but if you read travel advisories emitted by US Canada and other governments you will find that they are generally considered quite safe. That said we advise exercising the same precautions a single woman or person of any gender would observe in the US or Canada…Don’t travel very late/intoxicated…be aware of your surroundings, if you get a bad feeling get out, negotiate fare and location before getting in, etc.

    Transport/taxi services offered by hotels or apps like are not outrageously expensive but generally cost twice as much as regular yellow cabs hailed from the street.

    I have eaten alone at many a restaurant in Panama City and never felt uncomfortable. I usually opt for not too fancy when I am alone, and I like restaurants where I can eat at the bar when I am alone. But that’s just personal preference.

    You can buy a cheap cell here or a SIM card for your cell for as little as $20 at the airport on arrival or at cellular service provider office/stores and kiosks (at malls). Occasionally hotels will have them for rent.
    Many places in Panama City have wifi so a smart phone can be very useful.

    Buses in San Francisco and Bella Vista should be fine as far as physical safety but when they are crowded pickpocketing can be an issue.

    The metro is lovely and I have used it several times but unfortunately the closest stops to the areas you want to visit will be in El Cangrejo (the Via Argentina, Via España or Iglesia del Carmen stops)…may or may not be helpful depending on where to where you travel.

    Hope this helps and don’t hesitate to let us know if you have unanswered questions.



    P.S. I have taken many taxis over the years–I did not drive my first three years in Panama City–and though the driving may seem a bit cavalier or even reckless to a newcomer (drivers here…taxi and otherwise…do like to dart in and out of traffic!) I have never had a taxi driver hold me up or anything criminal. In all my years here (more than 9 years) I have heard rumors…but only one firsthand account of someone being robbed by a taxi driver (and it was non-violent). Panamanians tend to think that taxi drivers have a risky job as they carry cash and drive all over town, and that taxi drivers are for the most part family-oriented, God-fearing people.

    If you’d like to read the US State Dept advisory visit, here is an excerpt:

    “Use caution when taking taxis. Use only licensed and registered taxis. Check to see that the number on the side of the taxi matches the number of the license plate. Ensuring the car is a registered taxi with a number on the side is a quick way to help prevent any incidences. Regular taxis are yellow in color.”


    This post caught my interest, as I will be traveling solo, and for the 1st time, in Panama in Sept.
    If it is possible to ask Kathryn about her experiences, I would be most appreciative. Knowing what she knows now, what she would do the same and what she would do differently. Hope your trip went well, and you found what you wee seeking

    Jessica, can I also follow up with you; I try to read everything you write, as I enjoy your style and find most helpful what you have to say!

    First about the cell phone. I’d rather not bring my I=phone. Can the prepaid phones I buy there, allow me to call the US, and how are the minute usages different? Is there a better provider/where to buy/quality and range of service inside Panama/ ease to access US? Does the cost vary much, as I would prefer good value and quality over low cost.I will be in Panama for 10 days, and am free to explore the country for the first 5 days, with the last 4 days in Panama City. I hear such wonderful things about the people and the beaches, that I’m planning to explore highway 3 down to Pedasi, and maybe a little further? Do you have any suggestions/ must dos/ things and places to avoid/lodging.

    Kathryn and Jessica; Many thanks in advance for anything you send my way.


    Phil Mischenko


    Dear Phil, thanks for your feedback, much appreciated. Yes you can call the U.S. from Panama if you buy a cell phone here; the rate will depend on which provider the service comes from. As mentioned on this website ( the local providers are Movistar, Digicel, Claro, and Cable & Wireless. I am not sure what their rates are for a pay-as-you-go cell phone, which is what you’d buy here. I’m a resident so I am on a contract with Movistar (about $50 a month for a smart phone plan…i.e., data and calling) and I call Canada frequently for pennies a minute. If you have a smart phone and/or an Internet number then you can use that for calling the US by using your smart phone’s wifi at times when you have a connection (or roaming but this can be very expensive). Internet numbers, often known as a VOIP telephone numbers, like Vonage (website: and Skype (website: provide good online calling services.
    Regarding your trip, I have listed my best tips & suggestions for you on this site, you will find several sections on places like Coronado, which is on the way to Pedasi (there are many mentions, perhaps start here:, as well as Pedasi itself. Please take a look and if you have any questions please feel free to create a new post or email me.
    Hope you enjoy Panama!
    Thank you,

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