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  • #561431

    Please notice the “Search forum” function key at the top right of this page. Our web guy has now implemented this feature — fingers crossed that it works!! Should be a very helpful function!


    Thanks, Suzan. It’s great that the web guy is working on it, but it could use more tweaking. The search box only appears under certain circumstances — which I’m not bothering to figure out — while it should really be placed in the header so that it is available on every page.

    Also, it searches the entire IL site, not just the Ecuador Insider Forum. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but ideally the user would be able to choose whether to search the entire site or just the forum.

    Finally, the site remains painfully slow. Are there any plans to upgrade the hosting service or whatever is causing the slowdown on the back end of the site?

    Thanks again for the update and for the incremental progress.


    After reading the response I went and played around with the search feature for a bit.

    The search box appeared on every page of the forum that I looked at and I couldn’t find a place where it didn’t show up. Also every search I conducted gave me only results for the EI forum and I used some pretty broad search terms in an attempt to get a result from the IL site. I’m not sure why there is a difference in my results and the previous poster’s, but if someone else were to experience the glitches that were mentioned could you provide more detail? Perhaps what search terms gave results from the IL site and what page you were on when the search box didn’t show up?

    If our tech people know where to look for any problems it makes it much easier to solve them. Thanks!


    I’ve had it not show up a couple of times. I also have had it change position in the header area. Sometimes it’s all the way to the right on the same line as “Search Forums” and other times it’s below those words. I’m using Google Chrome, but I also tried it with Safari and saw some of the same results. I went to look at the source for the page, but since it’s dynamically generated, it would take much too long to parse all of the HTML and Javascript.

    I haven’t seen the problem in the last couple of days though, so maybe they’ve worked out some of the kinks.


    Hi there –

    I’m trying to follow up on this, but I can’t get a search box to come up at all now. I got it when I clicked on one posting, but when I returned to that same posting, it was gone. It’s possible that it appears the first time you view a posting, but not on subsequent visits. It’s not in the header; it appears in the body of the page when it comes up at all.

    Earlier, I believe I searched on “pets” and got some results from the Colombia forum and the main site. I can’t reproduce it because I can’t find a a search box.

    I’m using Chrome on Windows 7.



    I’ll send this thread along to our web guy and see if he can get to the bottom of this. THANKS!


    It’s working today. I’m seeing the search box on any forum topic I select, and I’m getting results from the Ecuador forum. Fingers crossed.

    Now on to speeding up the site? 🙂



    Right — the web guy tells me he tried to recreate the problems but couldn’t, so maybe it was just an early-on glitch. I didn’t realize there were “speed” problems with the site… but then again, I am in Ecuador where life just moves slower. 🙂


    I used it yesterday for a search on Cuenca and it worked fine, thanks for the search capability.

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