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  • #508842

    Curious if there is much solar in Ecuador? It would seem the ideal weather for it, especially in places with unreliable electricity. I wonder if solar panels can be purchased there. Is the government interested in solar?


    That’s an interesting question. You’re right, we’ve got abundant sunshine here, but we also have a lot of rain that provides hydroelectric power. I’m not aware that solar energy is being aggressively tapped into in Ecuador at this time.


    At the prices I have seen quoted for electricity in Ecuador, solar power would be much to expensive to make it worthwhile there. It is only viable in the US because the government subsidizes it.


    Excellent point, Charles.


    And they don’t subsidize it very well. Solar is really only for rich green people or those living off the grid. Panels have come down in price radically but batteries are still the weak link. I live 100% on solar but only because when my place was built, there was no electricity and the cost of bringing it, $30,000 or so. Oddly enough, cloudy, cold Germany and New Jersey are among places with the most solar. It’s all about government support, which is why I asked about Ecuador since the powers that be seem pretty “green” according to this site.

     I thought about when Canoa was described as a place with unreliable electricity and relying heavily on generators. Noisy, y’know.


    Gretchen, if you are interested:

    A wind farm has been built in southern Loja province. I just saw a newly built one on the shores of Lake Nicaragua a few weeks ago. Makes sense to me.


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