Speaking Spanish

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    Although not necessary, speaking Spanish will certainly help if you live in Costa Rica. And locals appreciate any effort you make speak to them in their language.

    Are you planning to learn Spanish? If so, how are you doing it?


    Hola Jason;
    Si, yo estoy aprendiendo a hablar espanol. I’ve been using a variety of methods including study guides and workbooks that I’ve purchased from bookstores and a few on-line study courses. Right now I am using an Ipod App from BrainScapes. I feel like I’m progressing ‘un poco’. It’s a slow process though. I don’t have anyone to actually speak it with near my home in Canada. When I go to Costa Rica I’m always armed with good intentions to force myself to try to communicate in Spanish but I get intimidated and discouraged pretty quickly when my limited comprehension and exposure to the language makes it really difficult to understand the responses to my questions. Then I just feel like a total poser and revert to english. Oh well….I’ll just keep trying and eventually it will click (hopefully).
    Are you fluent? How did you learn?


    Hi Susan,

    Keep trying and keep practicing when in Costa Rica. It may be hard road at time but it’s worth it. And all the effort you’ve made is very admirable. You have to right attitude and Costa Ricans really appreciate that.

    In my case, I am fluent but had the advantage of having a Spanish mother and growing up in Spain.



    Jason, well that was cheating!


    That’s what my wife says! 🙂

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