The "laid-back style" appeal

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    My wife and I will visit Panama this November to obtain our permanent residency cards, thanks to legal assistance from Attorney Rainelda Mata-Kelly. We will also try out living in Panama, so would be initially looking for an affordable, qood-quality Panamanian home or apartment to rent. It would be a great help if we could contact informants on the ground like Terry Coles whose expat story in the Panama Insider says it all: “We love the scenery, the people and the laid-back style.”

    Earlier, last April we spent two weeks of the summer in Panama City and traveled only as far as Coronado. Towns like Boquete or El Valle are great, but we prefer to try out Capira “in the foothills of the Campagna Mountain in Chame,” as described by Coles. Although we presently reside in Las Vegas, we lived for a couple of decades in South Texas, so know full well what laid-back style living is.

    Is there any way I can contact the Coles or any expat on the ground (by phone, email, etc.) who could provide information and/or referral on a Panamanian home or apartment for rent? Thank you in advance for any information.

    Rodolfo M. Aluyen


    Hi Rodolfo,

    We have a rolodex of expat info here:

    Terry’s blog is and it lists their email

    You can also find listings galore at websites that are popular with locals (you will need a little “real estate Spanish” to read the best listings) such as: and

    Note that short-term rentals are usually more expensive than long-term (6 months or more), but sometimes you can negotiate a shorter term…always worth a try.

    I am not a big fan of Capira proper as a place to live but I think Chame, where the Coles are, has some great benefits like the beach and proximity to Panama City and Coronado. You’ll find some great stuff on their blog.

    Don’t hesitate to post any additional questions.


    IL Panama Editor Jessica Ramesch

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