Where to go for monthly renewal of visitor's permit?

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    It’s official, my wife and I are moving to Placencia on March 29th. I am wondering if there is a local immigration office in or near Placencia where we can go for the monthly renewal of our visitors’ permits? Also, the fees of 25 and 50 dollars that I see quoted: are they in US or Belizian funds?

    DAVID L.

    I am sure there is an immigration office in Placencia. If it is like Corozal, you go to the immigration office to request the visitor’s visa. They give you a form to take to the treasurer’s office. You pay either $50 BZD or $100BZD after 6 months. They give you a receipt for the payment which you take back to the immigration office for the stamp in your passport. Be aware that there are heavy/light days and heavy/light hours within a day. Check it out with local expats.

    Hope this helps.




    Here is a link with the Immigration offices in Belize where you can renew your visa: http://ins.gov.bz/index.php/department/direction

    I did not see one on the Placencia peninsula. But apparently there is one in Dandriga, which is north of Placencia.

    I only use US dollars when quoting prices on this forum, or in IL articles related to Belize. But, as above, when someone else gives a number on line, as David did, it might be in BZ dollars. But he noted that he was quoting in BZ dollars.

    Kenney Glaspie

    Hello Pierre

    I have been living in Placencia for the past 8 months. There isn’t an office in Placencia. The closest office is in Big Creek. You take the Hokey Pokey water taxi to Independence where you will be met by cab drivers who will take you to immigration and wait there to take you back to the boat. It is a fairly quick process usually. Last week took a little longer due to a Monday holiday. The costs are- Hokey Pokey $6Bz each way, the taxi $10Bz round trip, and immigration the first 6 months is $50Bz (for Canadians & US citizens), going up to $100Bz after 6 months. Total is $72Bz each time.

    I hope you enjoy Placencia. I will be going back to California in 3 weeks and will miss it greatly. The people here are the best part. I enjoyed my various vacations in Belize, but have enjoyed living here in Placencia even more.


    Thank you Kenney for sharing your experience with me. Your instructions will certainly be very helpful.
    Have a safe trip!

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