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  • #670949
    Robert Langthorn

    I love wine, it is a necessity for a Good Life for me at least. I am considering a move to Ecuador but it seems the wine prices are pretty high, even comparable to those in the US. This seems strange considering South America is a big wine producing region.
    Does anyone know why? is it the import taxes?
    Besides box wines, does anyone have a good estimate or list on how much a decent to good bottle of everyday wine costs?
    Thanks from a wino


    Hi Robert,

    You are correct, wine prices here are comparable or even a bit more expensive than prices in the U.S. And again you are correct in guessing that the reason is due to import taxes. The good news, however, is that those taxes on alcohol have dropped considerably recently and prices are a bit more reasonable. I recently bought a bottle of decent Rosé from Chile for $6. I’ve found a few whites and reds in the $6-$8 range that are perfectly acceptable for everyday use, but if you’re looking for something a little more special, expect to pay $10 and up.

    Robert Langthorn

    Thanks Wendy for the conformation.
    Anyone else have any more price info or preferences they want to share?


    Hi Robert – My wife likes a brand called “El Gato Negro”, found in most grocery stores for $11-12 per bottle.

    Robert Langthorn

    Thanks Jim.

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