Worried about bordom

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  • #511869
    ERIC B.

    Hi Everyone, I’m Eric from Las Vegas, Nevada:
    My wife and I plan on retiring next year and are seriously considering Ecuador, due to all we have read about. Of course we will visit the country for at least a month before making a final decision. One of our main concerns is, after settling down, seeing the country and learning the language (we’ve already started that part) is “what to do next?” Neither one of us likes to just sit on a beach all day, we need to be active. I was wondering if anyone knows of part-time jobs that might be readily available; i.e. teaching English or retail clerking in the tourist areas, etc.
    Just a few days a week would suffice.

    Another question: I enjoy the beach and water but my wife prefers country-style living. What would you recommend as a good compromise?

    Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer.




    Hi Eric, I don’t know of any part-time jobs. Usually when those come along, they just sort of fall into your lap. Or you make a job yourself through some small business or sideline you’re inspired to create. I wouldn’t worry too much about boredom, though. The majority of expats I’ve met all over the world say that in their new home they have more social activities and volunteer activities than ever before. I think that’s because expat communities tend to be small and everyone is in the same boat, so they create these really interesting group activities and find niches that need to be filled.

    As for a compromise between beach and country, that’s tough. There is plenty of countryside near the beaches, of course, but I don’t think that’s what you mean? But you might want to look at a place like Mindo. Small-town country living and only about two hours to the beach. But it rains a lot in Mindo which makes it lush and green and beautiful, but also more humid and, well, rainier…

    The best advice, before you make any decision, is to come and take a look around and see what you think. And one more idea for you, even though I know this is an Ecuador forum. You might consider Nicaragua. It doesn’t have the cool-weather climates of Ecuador, but it is every bit as inexpensive and wherever you are, you are not far from a beach. And the beaches in Nicaragua are amazingly beautiful — far prettier than the beaches of Ecuador. And is Nicaragua safe? Yes… VERY.



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