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  • in reply to: Marrage to an Ecuadorian and visa info #540491

    Thank you Suzan for your response. The info you sent me will be very helpful. I will be living in La liburtad when I return to Ecuador. Two years ago I lived in La Joya Turquesa, north of Guayaguil, I stayed there for five months, I was trying to get my 9-1 visa. the process took so much time I had to return to the US before it was finalize! My fiance and I met as a result of my interest in Ecuador, she and I went to get married after the 75 day waiting period and were told we could not get married because I did not have all of the proper documentation. I know the laws and regulations change in Ecuador often, that is why I want all bases covered, dot every i and cross every t before I return to Ecuador. Any updated information anyone can offer to my situation will be greatly appreciated….Thank you

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