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  • in reply to: News From Panama…June 2015 #619883
    CARYN M.

    Hello there! This Caryn Kathryne MacFadyen, I am indeed new to this fantastic forum and the very informative details of this wonderful country. I would like to introduce myself, and to share that I was very fortunate to have visited Panama City 4 times. My first 3 were between 1998 and 2003 and my most recent in 2012. I could not agree with you more about the abundance of opportunity and the goodness of this gracious country. I am formatting and preparing my exodus from the U.S. to Panama within the next 24 months if not sooner. I am what Panama considers a pensioner for I am beyond age 50. I would like to know more about my transitions to Panama. I am unfortunately by myself for my family is deceased so I would like to focus on Panama City and would like to hopefully rent and or share a nice condo or town home in or near Panama City part time to really get my feet wet. I am conterplating on coming down for 2 visits the next coming year. I currently am employed with United Health Group and I am a published author with a 3 novel series being released currently. I am looking for both part time retire, part time work & part time independant projects like my books and my music, for which I do have Entertainment business that I would indeed reactivate and expand with the goodness that Panama provides for those who are very proactively engaged in multi professional activities. I also love to travel and cruise, so I am all ears and I am looking forward to seeing, meeting and bonding with many of you who are graciously appreciated. I originally from Glasgow, Scotland. Adopted and came to America back in the late 50s early 60s, left America for Britain to study and optained my education in Both Mechanical Engineering in Aviation as well as I am accomplished in music, in voice, piano, Music Theory as well as comtemporary and classical music. I would love to get involved with the Music, vocals, etc. I have several power singles on YouTube which followers have posted. I have an established both band name ‘ADDMORO’ as well as a progressively exciting entertainment company of the same name; ADDMORO Entertainment Group! ADDMORO GROUP (Which is the current and permanent name change)! So my focus for the next 12 to 18 months is my smooth semi to permanent transition between the U.S. and Panama and especially Panama City and just outside of the city. I am focused on sharing and renting either condo high rise or low rise depneding of the property as well as town houses and single family houses again depending on the property and their location and amenities. When I came to Panama City the first time in 1999! I sailed with a very high profile cruise for we were the first to come to Panama City directly from Miami, FLorida. We had a fantastic time, I remember the gorgious old ruins and walking amidst the turquoise waters just in front of the many high rises then. We had a big dinner and gathering at the Radisson Hotel, I am not sure if there are more then one currently. I have seen the one we were at in various brochures and online sites. They were go gracious and so wonderful. We had such a good time, and our cruise helped truly start opening Panama City up further for the robust influction of travelers and cruisers ever since, even more now then just those going thru the Panama Canal, which we were so honored to view and visit. Please do forgive this lengthy post. I wanted to give you as much about me and my goals for coming downt to Panama and Panama City in the next year. I would eventually love to see more about Chiriqui, for I have seen some gorgious houses and property there. Again, being alone, not just single, Panama City would be best for me at this time. Thanking you kindly indeed I am. I am looking forward to reading more, meeting you sometime soon. Most excitingly get down to Panama soon.

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