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  • in reply to: Bringing pets to Ecuador #595615

    Hi Wendy! Sorry…The follow up email apparently didn’t work that you had replied…almost gave up.

    Thanks so much for the info

    Yes..I WOULD always, as here, have the cats in a secure enclosure…like chain link fencing with a top to keep cats in and others out.

    For building supplies…are there delivery services, such as here at home, where supplies are brought to the residence? Or rental trucks where you can do it yourself, — again..as here?

    I worry about the cost of getting so many cats there…and the quality of vets. And the food. Here I make some food myself as well..but it is difficult for so many in a sanctuary.

    Would there be a ‘stigma’ or resentment of any kind with a sanctuary, since apparently, cats are not so common there? How do locals view the keeping of pets…cats in particular. It is of concern that there are so many stray dogs struggling for life…so the ‘pet’ issue is definitely not the same as viewed by many here. Would not want to create undue issues or problems in a ‘new life’.

    It doesn’t sound like there are any insect or ‘wild’ animal predators, snakes, biting insects, massive flea infestations,…etc that may be a problem. And feline leukemia can be a problem here as well…with animals that roam. If no other parasites or viral/bacterial issues..then the picture looks better. I wonder, since so few seem to have cats, and thought perhaps diseases might be an issue.

    Are the vets of good quality – and do you know if there are laws requiring any annual/periodic inoculations…such as rabies.. once the initial certification inoculations have been done to enter the country?

    Thanks again, Wendy. Your help/advice is appreciated.

    in reply to: Bringing pets to Ecuador #585926

    Hi everyone!

    I’ve read somewhere that there were fees for bringing in pets, but maybe it was for another country.

    I’m trying to figure out where it might be feasible to bring in SEVERAL cats.
    I have now a small private sanctuary for rescued felines. They all have a permanent for life home here. My concerns are costs, permission to bring so many, what is required.

    Is there decent pet food that can be found anywhere in Ecuador (or if not..do you know what countries might allow/have accommodation for this?

    I would likely not be able to rent..unless a somewhat more rural accommodation would be available. And what about good veterinary care?

    Are there any local feline diseases, pests or wildlife that would make it dangerous/difficult to bring or keep cats?
    Can anyone advise me on these issues? I haven’t been able to locate anything specific.

    Of course, I would NOT want them to run free, but have sufficient, protected enclosures for them to run, play and engage one another without outside dangers or providing hassles for others by straying off property. So….costs of building such enclosure would also be needed. Is it easy to find reliable, cost-effective help to construct something.. Or supplies where I could diy?

    Thanks so much for any insight you might be able to offer!

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