Charles Monroe

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  • in reply to: Wondering #672869
    Charles Monroe

    It does, Jim. One thing I have heard consistently throughout my recent enquiries is that have payements automatically deducted can be quite a hassle when one changes cities or towns or even banks because the payments don’t cease and it’s nearly impossible to get your money back. One woman went 7 months (she claims) with weekly pestering of the bank before they stopped the deductions and although they stopped, she never got her money refunded. Any thoughts?

    in reply to: Wondering #672829
    Charles Monroe

    Donna – Very appreciative. I know I can always go to the Forum and see this info. And I posted the info below on the Cuenca Expats site. Perhaps you or others can reply to this as well? I like information – and informed answers!!

    If one were plopped down in Cuenca, spoke no Spanish, and needed to turn on the water, electricity, internet, garbage removal, and phone how would this person go about this – and what would be the “turn-around,” time. In addition, how does one pay for these utilities and services? Do you HAVE to stand in a line once a month? Any such thing as “even pay,” where your usage payment is evened out for an entire year? Can these things be deducted from your checking account? These kinds of practical matters are things I’m not seeing in the forums and discussions. Is there some sort of Gringo Manual for this?

    in reply to: Wondering #672729
    Charles Monroe

    Thanks!! Irish time makes sense! And you should pull a pint for yourself for totally complete answers to my questions!!

    in reply to: Not Much Time #671265
    Charles Monroe

    This is a totally wonderful answer – thanks so much. I will be contacting ALL of them to get a mental picture of it all. We will be landing in Quito on Oct 22 and leaving on the 31st so your info is wonderful.

    in reply to: Tax on Social Security? #670947
    Charles Monroe

    Thank you so much!! Very very appreciative. Turns out we are now coming in October – the airline prices work out much better. I will definitely look into And keep those entries coming!! My Best, Charlie Monroe

    in reply to: Tax on Social Security? #670891
    Charles Monroe

    Thanks again!! I hope my questions are appropriate for this forum and your talents. May I make a couple of further entreaties? Might you be able to recommend someone or some agency that could assist my wife and me when we land in November for two weeks to “hit the ground running,” so to speak, and help us make the most of our times to cement decisions? We are considering Cuenca and Cotacatchi. We don’t want waste time whilst there.

    There is a “gentleman,” named Malcom Reding who has published a second edition of a book about Cuenca recently. I say gentleman in quotes because many expats claim that he is actually a criminal from Miami and that this is not his actual name. I don’t know the truth about him but he DID say that if we lived in Cotacachi we would be 100 kilometers from any decent health care facility if we had an emergency and that we would be better off in Cuenca by a certain age. Any comment on this?

    Your IESS information is invaluable and much appreciated. I’m sure it will allay some of the fears of our friend who is already heading your way. A million thanks.

    in reply to: Tax on Social Security? #670880
    Charles Monroe

    Thanks for a timely and concise answer. What happens to people who DON’T voluntarily pay up? And when does an expat get to the point where one is question the fees are imposed? When do we have to present proof of income?

    And by the way, my wife and I like your stories. She was particularly struck by your article about your children getting a better education.

    in reply to: Tax on Social Security? #670866
    Charles Monroe

    Here’s a newspaper article from the cuenca newspaper from this past May that says this new rate will be imposed next month, July 2017.

    in reply to: Tax on Social Security? #670865
    Charles Monroe

    It’s on the internet but the figure is wrong. It’s 17.6% for the IESS. This is a new imposition proposed by El Presidente Moreno. I don’t think it’s law yet but I am trying to get to the bottom of this and not getting very far. I have an older friend who is committed to visit, plane ticket and all, to immigrating to Cuenca and is in a total panic after hearing about this. If you can enlighten me I would deeply appreciate any information. My wife and I are also very serious about Ecuador and we are thinking about the end of next summer. We can’t afford large insurance payments if Moreno is serious and the law passes. So we REALLY need info. Thanks so much for any consideration. Charlie Monroe

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