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  • in reply to: Banking in Ecuador #619104

    So I just found the banking section of questions that answere a lot of my questions. Now you can ignore my submission. Thanks.

    in reply to: Still waiting for our pensioner's visas #619102

    Since this seems to be taking a long time and we may be looking for a facilitator, can you tell me who you use Do?

    in reply to: Tungurahua voncano #615568

    Hi Susan and Wendy. Thanks for your input. We were told there was a flare up in April. My brother in law sent me a link to a news story on the Internet. It said they were expecting more and greater activity. So I just wanted some better and more well informed information. We are still waiting to sell our house and then we will come see everything for ourself. Thanks again.

    in reply to: Robereto Di Donato #610247

    Thanks Susan. A fellow in our town bought a condo in Manta and was having some problems with the woman that was supposed to be managing the rental of it. He was dealing through Roberto for the purchase I believe but not sure who the woman is. He apparently was replacing her with someone else and she advised him about Roberto passing and he wasn’t sure if it was reliable info. I will let him know.

    in reply to: Dying in Ecuador #607572

    You guys are awesome, thanks for the info. Really looking forward to getting our house sold and showing up in Cotacachi!

    in reply to: Dying in Ecuador #606845

    Hi Wendy,yes I was curious to know what happens if someone dies there. The whole funeral, burial,cremation?? Timing,etc. do they have cremation? What about costs? Are there cemeteries in each town? Do they have funeral homes that help walk people through this type of scenario? Oh, and no neither my husband or I are in poor health or plan to pass on any time soon. This is just an issue I wanted to get some clarification on. The whole notification of family etc is not a problem, we have lots of contact with family. We noticed a funeral or two when we were in Costa Rica and it didn’t seem like they had cremations.
    Thanks for any info you can get to us.


    Thanks Susan, I couldn’t figure out how it could be that cool there. I mean I like it cool but the temperatures you quoted are great. I like sunshine but not too hot. When we went to Costa Rica it was 41 degrees Celsius here at home and much cooler there. I was grateful. As I find winters too cold and summers too hot I am thankful for spring and fall. It is beautiful here but I think the weather in certain spots in Ecuador will suit me better. I will check out San Migel for sure. Can’t wait for our house to sell and get boots on the ground to start exploring. Do you know of anyone in your area from BC? We really want to be in a community where we can get involved and be useful. Definitely practicing our spanish now and hope to have at least survival level by the time we get there. Are there any Spanish Emerson schools in your area? I am finding our communication very helpful. Thanks so much for your time. I know you are involved in several things that take up your time.


    Thanks Susan, I guess a big thing is I am noticing that the temperature is around 4 degrees in the morning at Cotacatchi. We live in British Columbia, Canada and that is a little chilli compared to here. Can you tell me. If this is. The colder time of year there or when is the actual split for the seasons there. Not that I think 4 degrees is cold. Just trying to get a feel for necessary clothing planning etc. we plan to rent once we get there but really haven’t gotten a handle on what the neighbourhoods look like. We think we would like to be in a house but not right in a town. Are there areas that are better to stay away from. I have gotten the impression that Cotacatchi is a safe place so haven’t been too worried about that. I also hear the water is great . Ok so I am starting to ramble. I will check out those web sites and try to zero in on more specific questions. Our home is listed and as soon as it sells we only have one plan, go to Ecuador. We spent a month in Costa Rica last year and loved it but want to check out Ecuador before deciding where to retire. We met you and Dan at the IL fast track to CR. Conference at the Marriott . Have been researching all year but still have many question. Looking forward to getting the answers. Cheers. Dona

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