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  • in reply to: Several Questions #521254

    Yes. The time difference between the longest and shortest days is only 20 minutes. The presence of mosquitoes has more to do with altitude than the equator–there are none in the mountains but for sure you’re gonna get bitten at lower elevations.

    in reply to: Transportation to and from Cuenca #521253

    This train is new and as far as I know it runs between Quito and Guayaquil but for sure doesn’t come to Cuenca. From either of those cities you can take a bus or a plane. Don’t take a bus from Quito to Cuenca–at least 9 hours vs. a 45 minute flight.

    in reply to: Guayquil to Cuenca #521047

    Another option is to take a shared van for $12 each. The trip takes 3 hours and the vans leave every hour during the day. Check either Operazuay or Atenas. The offices are right next to the airport.

    in reply to: Stolen laptop #520487

    Now that’s the attitude I like to hear! Good for him!

    in reply to: cell phones #520486

    That’s not happening with local service. IM on Skype, Facebook, Google, etc. substitutes.

    in reply to: Stolen laptop #520482

    My goodness–credit card problems–stolen laptop–gouged taxi fare–your hubby didn’t get to chill much on his tour. We always watch the back of any van we’re in when it’s opened to remove other passengers’ luggage “just to make sure.” Regarding the overpriced taxi ride, it’s always the best idea, especially at an airport where unsuspecting tourists are clustered, to agree on the price before getting in the car to avoid expensive surprises when you arrive at your destination.

    in reply to: NEW AIRPORT IN QUITO #520431

    Danica (post above) got fares for $25.

    in reply to: Know a good dentist in Quito ? #520430

    Bob, I live in Cuenca and am not much help to you regarding Quito. Suzan Haskins is on vacation this week. Perhaps she can help you when she returns.

    in reply to: Wind in the Highlands #520360

    That’s my story and I’m sticking with it! 😉

    in reply to: middle name #520358

    Dave, my best idea is to contact one of the attorneys (Roberto Moreno or Santiago Andrade) listed under the “Meet the Experts” tab above for advice. Maybe you don’t need to do anything, but please let them tell you. Be sure to identify yourself as an IL Ecuador Insider member.

    in reply to: Wind in the Highlands #520357

    I’m quite familiar with the Santa Ana winds of CA (I once hit a golf shot there on a blustery day that landed behind me!) and am happy to report that kind of nonsense isn’t really an issue at all here in the highlands. Sometimes it gets gusty when a thunderstorm rolls in, but that’s about it.

    in reply to: Taxi Safety Late at night from airport Guayquil #520094

    Rick, I answered your question on the previous post.

    in reply to: Write down hotel addresses and phone numbers #520093

    Sure, There will be taxis waiting right outside the exit. Follow Suzan’s instructions so the driver will know exactly where to go.

    in reply to: Panama Hats #520089

    Hope they told you that the quality is mostly dependent on the fineness of the fibers, much like thread count in sheets.

    in reply to: Credit cards #520088

    No, Gretchen, I’ve never heard of this being a problem.

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