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  • in reply to: Cat litter #500114

    Since Suzan lives in Cotacachi I’ll defer to her on this one. My friends in Cuenca with cats have no problem buying litter, so I can’t imagine the situation is different there.

    in reply to: teaching English opportunities in Ecuador #500113

    Suzan is right on and there’s nothing I can really add. I know of no single expats who support themselves here solely on income from teaching English.

    in reply to: weekend business #499814

    Send your email address to ecuador@internationalliving.com and I’ll ask someone to get in touch with you.

    in reply to: Business question #499810

    Asking a general question about how expats do anything is a slippery slope, John. And paying taxes is not on anyone’s “Top 10 conversation topics” list that I know. We have maintained our relationship with our CPA in the States and handle everything online. I do have a CPA friend here in Cuenca who is continuing to remotely assist clients back home on the Internet. I don’t know whether he is also helping local gringos.

    in reply to: weekend business #499809

    I can put you in touch with someone in Cuenca who would help you on Saturdays. Sunday,no. It’s a family day here.

    in reply to: Senior Discounts #499806

    The discounts are real but the 50% discount on airline tickets is somewhat mislabeled. You get 50% off the highest published fare excluding the taxes and fees. Still on an expensive flight you enjoy substantial savings. Half price bus transportation and event tickets, free land line, and refund of the 12% IVA tax are totally legit. Plus you get to cut into the front of the line at the bank!

    in reply to: Salinas Airport ?? #499028

    The airport in Salinas will service Quito & Guayaquil only.

    in reply to: Toilet Paper #499027

    Suzan’s on vacation, but yes, flushing toilet paper is highly discouraged in Ecuador. We felt the same as you when we first moved here, but “the bin” is just one of many things you get used to in the spirit of being a good citizen. If it helps to know, many of the brands of toilet paper are lightly perfumed.

    in reply to: New Airport in Quito #499026

    We’ve been told the accommodations quite near the airport aren’t the best and have never stayed there. We normally find lodging in the Mariscal area or downtown because both areas are safe with lots of dining options. There are tons of options in all price ranges.

    in reply to: Mail forwarding service #499025

    I don’t personally know anyone who does. We do all our bill-paying and communication online. Mail service in Ecuador is very spotty–we’ve received less than 10 pieces of mail in 2 1/2 years, mostly because we’ve advised everyone to not bother trying to send cards or packages. There is a service called Club Correo that allows you to order things and have them sent to a Miami address where they are forwarded to Ecuador. We’ve not used it because we return to the US often enough, but those that have say it is reliable, although pricey.

    in reply to: organic food availability #499003

    As far as I’m aware, the “CERTIFIED organic ” to which you refer is mainly a North American designation.

    in reply to: New Airport in Quito #499000

    That new airport has been “scheduled” to open for many months. The latest target date is in February but don’t count on it. It seems the airport itself is ready but the connecting roads aren’t. Beyond not having completed the roads, I’m not aware of any infrastructure regarding accommodations, restaurants, or other amenities you might expect to be there when opening finally occurs.

    I’ve heard nothing about this possibility. I don’t believe there’s enough demand at this time.

    in reply to: Safety in Ecuador #498700

    Jay, you can’t fairly generalize this question for all of Ecuador. Like any country, some places are safer than others. Plus understand that locals tend to be very cautious. For instance, my wife & I have safely ridden the public buses in Cuenca countless times without experiencing or even observing a single incident, yet our Cuencano friends caution us that they are unsafe. When I’ve asked, “So, do you ride the buses yourself?” the answer I always get is, “Oh, no, but I’ve seen on the news—–.” This is not to offer a Pollyanna answer to your question. I have friends who have been robbed in broad daylight. But safety anywhere usually boils down to common sense regarding where you are, when you are there, and how you appear to potential wrongdoers. I’m certain there are much scarier spots to be on this planet than Ecuador.

    in reply to: Medical cost for chronic health problems #497798

    You don’t mention specific medications, but FYI my wife uses Travatan eye drops. The cost is mid-30’s per bottle.

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