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  • Dear Jason,
    Thanks soo much for you reply. I am busy researching every chance I get. I was curious about how you like Tamarindo from Greica? Do you like the climate as well or is it t hot in the summer? Also are there any blogs or chat site for expat communities? Are there expat groups in most of these places to. Like do they have coffee or card games, domino get togethers, pot lucks stuff like that? we have senior centers that have events and games we can get together with and organize breakfasts or games.I just remembered, is there mosquitos and fleas on the coasts? Do we need to get shots for anything before we come? Have you been to the Caribian side on the coast? Have you heard of any available scuba diving over there? Is there a good expat community on the Carb. coast? Well that’s enough for now take care and thanks again.
    Kim & Gary

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