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  • in reply to: Residency visa #543359

    Marsha, what part of Ecuador are you considering? You could use the same attorney, sure, or you could use a visa facilitator to help with the residence process. I can provide a contact if you let me know which area of Ecuador you’re buying in.

    in reply to: Apartments rental in Cuenca #543358

    I’ll let Edd chime in here but once you have confirmed dates, you might want to check with Casa Ordonez‎ or Otorongo Apartments and or look for Cuenca options at or

    in reply to: On my way! Finally! #543334

    Hi Darel, it sounds like you already have a good plan of attack. In Quito, I’d definitely recommend a guided tour of Old Town. It’s the best way to see the best of the historic center — don’t miss La Basilica church and La Iglesia de Compania de Jesus. There is a city tour company that offers tours and if you are standing in Plaza Independencia looking at the Presidential Palace, it will be behind you and across the street over your left shoulder in a store that also sells artisan goods. You’ll have to sign up for an English-speaking tour and they may schedule it several hours in advance. I’ve also found their “English-speaking” guides to be spotty in their language skills, so another option is to pre-schedule with a company like Nuevo Mundo. Email Julieta Muñoz <> and/or your hotel should be able to help you line something up. (Beneath San Francisco church is a really great coffee shop and artisan shop called Tianguez that winds into the bowels if the church. Google it… and check it out.)

    You might also like to go to the Mariscal neighborhood and wander around the shops there during the day — or hang in one of the sidewalk cafes at Plaza Foch and do some people watching. A trip to the Mitad del Mundo museum (marks the “middle of the world” / equator) is fun but kind of touristy.

    Yes, if your travel partner only has a week and you spend 2 to 3 days in Quito, then you’re probably best off not to try to squeeze too much more other than a trip to Otavalo and Cotacachi — Otavalo on Saturday is great, especially if you start the morning at the animal market (unless you’re vegetarian) and then head to the produce market and then the crafts market at Plaza Ponchos. Another fun thing to do in Otavalo/Cotacachi is the Parque Condor.

    I assume you don’t need help with hotel suggestions, etc. But if you do, just let me know. (And if you need a driver from Quito to Cotacachi, email Mauricio Bonilla <> — the charge should be $60 and tell him I suggested he contact you.

    Enjoy your travels!

    in reply to: Gated communites around Quito #543021

    Quito Tenis is probably the best known. And I think there’s one in the same vicinity called Las Colinas. And there’s the country club community of Los Chillos in the Los Chillos valley. And I’m sure there are many smaller ones in Cumbaya and Tumbaco.

    in reply to: Travel Questions #542898

    Hi Edward, I’ve not had too much trouble with hostels returning my emails, except for some in coastal locations. They don’t seem to be as good about customer service as are the more touristed areas. You can always call them, though — or again, have your current innkeeper call ahead for you. They’ll be happy to do this, especially if you offer them use of your phone or offer to pay for the call.

    in reply to: Travel Questions #542790

    1. yes — $5 if it’s no big deal and $10 if it takes a good bit of their time. I’d probably give $10 as it will certainly take at least 30 minutes. If they send a taxi driver to help you, though, give him $5 if he goes to the window with you and helps you buy your ticket.
    2. Probably not as long as you have a good view from the window.
    3. Most ATMs dispense $10s and $20s… you won’t have that difficult of a time cashing a $20, but don’t use one to buy a bottle of water or a stick of gum….
    4. You should get wifi just about everywhere, but what small towns will you visit? If it’s a town of 200 people, maybe not — but not sure why you’d be there? Most hostals that I’ve ever stayed at offer free wifi. Only the big chains make you pay for it.
    5. Yes — on an uncrowded bus wouldn’t be as bad as in the bus station or sitting in a big city park. I wouldn’t do that.
    6. Tungurahua in Banos.

    in reply to: Dengue Fever in Salinas etc #542788

    Hi Donald, dengue fever is a problem anywhere there are mosquitoes, including in the U.S. It is worse during the rainy season, of course, and along coastal areas. (No problems in the Sierras.)

    The best way to protect yourself is to not allow any standing water on your property. And to hope your neighbors do the same. Every government health department has education programs about this and they often go door to door offering information and checking for problems. And certainly, if you have a neighbor who is not keeping their property in order, you can call and report them to the health department who will come and do an inspection.

    You should also take personal precautions — have screens on your windows, use repellant judiciously and/or wear long sleeves and long pants and socks.

    Learn more at

    in reply to: Using my IRA to purchase Ecuadorian property #540856

    Hi Philip, I’d suggest you contact Ecuador attorney Roberto Moreno: You might also contact Tuey Murdock, retired attorney from First American Title Company. She knows a bit about this issue:

    in reply to: Internet access #540832

    I know expats who use Hughes in Belize, but don’t personally know anyone using it in Ecuador. Thanks for this!

    in reply to: Años Dorados insurance #540733

    I think Anos Dorados would be your primary insurance. If you had that, why would you even bother with going the public route? You could go to the public hospitals first (for anything non-serious), of course, but in case of emergency or any major, your first choice would be a private provider.

    in reply to: Vehicle importation to Ecuador- #540732

    Frank, let us know what you hear. I’ve never heard of anyone doing this.

    in reply to: Marrage to an Ecuadorian and visa info #540492

    Hi Bruce. Contact Dana Cameron. She is a visa facilitator in Guayaquil that expats there rave about. I’ll bet she can help you. Her email is

    in reply to: Goldilocks – What location is "just right"? #540412

    Hi Edward, yes Vilcabamba is south of Loja and there are many B&Bs there. One I like is

    in reply to: Marrage to an Ecuadorian and visa info #540411

    Hi Bruce, it doesn’t surprise me that you’ve gotten different answers. In my experience that’s standard operating procedure in every country, including the US — rules are up to individual interpretation. I believe you can start the visa process once you get here. You don’t say where in Ecuador you will be living, but you might want to pose your question to some visa facilitators in that location. If you’ll be working with the immigration office in Quito, check in with Santiago Andrade: Santiago Andrade: He’s very good about answering questions and won’t charge you to do that. Documents that you’ll need will include apostilled birth certificate, police report, divorce decree (if you’re ever been married before)… and there may be some others that I’m missing…

    in reply to: Best Beach #540300
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