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  • in reply to: July 4th Quito visit #513911

    Michael, FYI: Here is what Caridad says about Quito Tenis:
    Quito Tenis is a neighborhood that was developed in  the former golf area of this private club. In Quito Tennis neighborhood in this moment we have a private club with few tennis courts and social area.
    The club and golf areas have moved to the north part of Quito, which is called el Condado.
    The properties in Quito Tenis are one of the most appreciated in Quito.
    If you need more information please let me know Caridad Jijon: 

    in reply to: July 4th Quito visit #513908

    HI Michael, you can contact Caridad Jijon: to arrange a visit to Quito Tenis. She is a real estate agent so please let her know if you want to see properties or just get an overview of the neighborhood and see the golf and tennis club, etc. I would love to hear what you think after your visit!

    in reply to: hotel reservations #513906

    I doubt it will be tough, but you can get them through the Tame website or at one of their offices in Quito in advance.

    in reply to: Shipping household goods to Ecuador #513905

    Contact Sandra Baquero, she is a customs facilitator and can offer some suggestions:

    in reply to: July 4th Quito visit #513904

    I am not sure, but will see if I can find out.


    in reply to: hotel reservations #513837

    Terry, look at the bar across the top of this page and click on Travel Itineraries for some hotel suggestions. Holidays…well you can find a list of common national holidays here:

    However, every city and town has their own individual holidays, so you might want to do an online search for the particular date and locale you will be visiting. If you are making reservations in advance, no worries. But if you plan to wing it, you may want to know what your chances will be to find accommodation. In a quick email to the hotels you’re considering, you could ask about upcoming holidays and if they anticipate being full on any particular dates. May 24, for instance, is a national holiday and I’d expect that long weekend to be busy at the coast, especially, and for there to be long lines for buses, etc.

    in reply to: Cotacachi real estate visit #513524

    If you are staying for a week or more, email Larry Smith <> and he can find you an apartment stay.

    in reply to: Cotacachi real estate visit #513523

    Yes, it is tough to reach anyone at this hotel. I have no idea why they don’t have a website, but you can try to email them at or try Another place to try is Hostel Arbolitos: You can email and ask them if they have internet, I would imagine they do. Both hotels are right in town. 

    in reply to: Monthly rental in Quito #513522

    We stayed in that exact same condo not long ago. It is a great location. And I’ll bet the one on Colon is also an apartment we rented — from the French woman? By the way, our friend Oswaldo Munoz is the owner of the Hotel Sebastian (and Nuevo Mundo Travel) and he may be able to help you find an acupuncturist. “Gerencia (Nuevo Mundo Expeditons)” <>

    I posted this earlier but for some reason, it did not post – -sorry about that.

    in reply to: Cotacachi real estate visit #513386

    Hi, Robert, just scroll up in this thread. Lawrence asked this same question. Ron and Terresa intend to sell both properties in order to buy a newer, larger home in Cotacachi. They’ve already signed the contract. They just need to get their smaller homes sold. If you are interested, email Terresa at

    in reply to: Very early flight out of Quito #513276

    Jerry, it would certainly be safe, but probably not too comfortable. I am not sure if the airport is open overnight. I’ll see if I can find out. Meanwhile, here are the hotels close to the airport:


    ·      Hosteria San Jose:

    ·      Hosteria Rincon de Puembo: This one looks as if it may be the closest to the airport.

    ·      We’ve also heard that a place called La Marmite may have some rooms. They have a well-known restaurant in Checa. You can e-mail them for information at:
    There is another called  Quito Airport Suites that has been having some problems with their website (may be worked out now):


    in reply to: us expats in Ecuador #496024

    I have heard of as many as 10,000 expats total (not jut US but including Canadian, European, South African, etc.) in Ecuador — up to 50,000 in Panama. I have not done the research on Chile. I think these numbers err on the high side – -especially for Panama and may be some combo of full-time, part-time and tourists at any give time.

    Don’t know how you feel about expats — they can totally change the flavor of a place. They can also bring a lot of amenities and services you might want. But remember that 4,000 in a city the size of Cuenca is less than 1%. It doesn’t have a lot of effect except for the expat-driven businesses. If you go to the expat hangouts you’ll be swimming in them. If you don’t, you may not notice they’re there…

    in reply to: Medical services #495561

    Edd Staton lives in Cuenca and his personal physician is Dr. Pablo Parra. He speaks excellent English and can direct you to other doctors you may require. His email is, but be advised (and surprised) that docs respond better to cell phone calls. So you can wait until you get here and reach him at 0996108523. You’ll most likely be able to see him the same day you call.

    Edd’s dentist is Dr. Richard Rodriguez. Email Phone 072455483.

    in reply to: Smart Phones in Ecuador #495560

    “unlocked” is another way of saying “broken”…

    in reply to: Quality of beef available #495559

    You can buy all those items you list at the big supermarket chains like SuperMaxi, but I don’t think it is the best quality. Always seems tough to me. We prefer to go to the local mercados where the stuff is fresh and more tender, or so it seems. You can be sure the stuff sold at the mercados is locally produced. We also have a friend who owns a hacienda and he sells organic stuff. Once you live here a while you will find all the organic producers in your community.

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