How Do I Get Residency in Ireland?

Peter M. Says:

I’ve always liked the idea of retiring to Ireland (where my people came from originally). What are my options to get residency there?

IL Executive Editor Jennifer Stevens Says:

Hi Peter,

Ireland is a place that’s close to my heart as well (I go there regularly to check in with our IL office in Waterford on the south coast).

It’s a charming, friendly country. The whole nation—but particularly the countryside —takes a small-town approach to life, which you’ll appreciate when you retire here. Everyone in Ireland speaks English (even in the few Irish-speaking areas). The Irish are a welcoming, hospitable people. It may be a cliché, but it’s true.

Here are your options for obtaining residency in Ireland:

  1. Qualified Retirement Program: Ireland offers a special residency program for retirees, known as the Qualified Retirement Program (QRP). To be eligible, you must be over 55 years of age and able to prove you have a minimum income of €50,000 ($61,000) per year from a pension or other sources.
  2. Investment: If you’re willing to invest in Ireland, you may be eligible for a residency visa. This can include buying property, starting a business, or investing in an Irish company.
  3. Family Ties: If you have close family members living in Ireland, you may be able to obtain residency through them. This can include children, grandchildren, parents, or grandparents.
  4. EU Treaty Rights: If you have close family members who are citizens of an EU country, you may be able to obtain residency in Ireland through EU Treaty Rights. This includes spouses, registered partners, and direct descendants under the age of 21 or dependents of any age.

You can learn more about retiring to Ireland on the dedicated page of our website here.

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