What Are Dentists Like in Ecuador?

Jackson R. Says:

What are dentists like in Ecuador?

IL Executive Editor Jennifer Stevens Says:

Hi Jackson,

One of the great perks for U.S. expats in Ecuador is high-quality, low-cost healthcare. And this holds true for dentists as well.

Dental care in Ecuador is a bargain, costing 80% to 90% less than similar care in the United States. Most dentists are well trained and have access to the latest technology. Many of them also speak English.

Checking prices for dental care, a cleaning costs $30 to $45. Cavity repairs and fillings cost $25 to $35. Partial plates cost $325 and a complete set of dentures costs about $900, including office visits, fittings, lab work, and impressions.

Other costs: an extraction, $30 to $50; root canal, $200; permanent acrylic bridge, $225; bleaching, $25; porcelain crown, $300.

Another advantage of working with Ecuadorian dentists is that they do not insist on taking set after set of X-rays, as is common practice in North America. A recent directive from the American Dental Association advises U.S. dentists that they should consider denying service to patients who refuse to allow X-rays to be taken. The opposite is true in Ecuador, where dentists understand that the patient has the right to help determine his or her own care and treatment.

Another difference is that it is the policy of the Ecuadorian medical profession that the patient owns his or her records, X-rays, and lab results. You keep these at home and bring them with you as needed.

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